May 12, 2024

30 Years Since the Bishkek Protocol – Hopes for Armenia-Azerbaijan Peace?

Armenian military base on the border with Azerbaijan in 1994 © Onnik James Krikorian 1994

This month marks the 30th Anniversary of the 1994 ceasefire agreement that put the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the then disputed territory of Nagorno Karabakh on hold. The 5 May declaration, known as the Bishkek Protocol, instructed the sides to introduce a ceasefire on 9 May though slight delays followed. A formal cessation was signed by the Armenian, Azerbaijan, and Karabakh defence ministers days later, coming into effect just after midnight on 12 May 1994.

What followed in the coming years were various attempts to hammer out a lasting peace. Suffice to say, none were successful. Instead, and especially since 2011, signs were that a new war was coming, an inevitability that became a fact in September 2020. Up until that point, conventional wisdom had been that it would break out by accident – an escalation following a cross-border skirmish, for example – and also that it would last just a few days before the international community stepped in.


We now know that wasn’t the case. When the war did come, it lasted 44 days and broke out because the negotiation process had finally exhausted itself. Around 7,000 died on both sides in fighting that could have been avoided had mutual compromises been made earlier. They weren’t.


This year is also the 30th anniversary of my first visit to Karabakh. Hundreds of thousands of ethnic Armenians had already fled from other parts of Azerbaijan years earlier just as hundreds of thousands of ethnic Azerbaijanis had left Armenia. Hundreds of thousands of Azerbaijanis also fled en masse from the seven regions surrounding Karabakh. A tale of human tragedy on all sides that should have been reason alone for a negotiated settlement, but apparently not.




For much of the time since visiting Karabakh for the first time in 1994, it had seemed unlikely a peace deal would be signed in many of our lifetimes. Thirty years on, with the possibility of normalising relations greater than at anytime before, that opportunity exists again and should not be squandered. Only then can the long overdue and likely arduous but necessary task of reconciliation begin.

The full opinion piece is available here




Conflict Voices – December 2010

Short essays on the Nagorno Karabakh Conflict
Download in English | Russian


Conflict Voices – May 2011

Short essays on the Nagorno Karabakh Conflict
Download in English | Russian

One Caucasus Festival in Georgia Bridges Regional Divides

One Caucasus Festival in Georgia Bridges Regional Divides

This month, against the backdrop of the Caucasus Mountains, a unique four-day festival in Georgia celebrated its tenth anniversary. Held annually in August, the multi-disciplinary One Caucasus festival aims to rediscover a spirit of unity and cooperation that once flourished among the diverse nations of the region.

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End of an Era: Russian Border Guards Depart Yerevan’s Airport

End of an Era: Russian Border Guards Depart Yerevan’s Airport

Russian border guards left Yerevan’s Zvartnots Airport last week, concluding their nearly 32-year presence. The first point of contact for many citizens and tourists arriving by air in Armenia, their exact duties and numbers were never formally announced. The 1992 agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia instead only refers to the Border Directorate of the Federal Security Service (FSB) ensuring the protection of the border with Turkiye and Iran.

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