Dec 12, 2013

Another Ukraine Euromaidan Solidarity Rally in Tbilisi As MPs Brawl in the Georgian Parliament

Euromaidan Solidarity Rally, Tbilisi, Georgia © Onnik James Krikorian 2013

Last night saw another rally in Tbilisi, Georgia, in support of Euromaidan protestors in Ukraine. Unlike last week’s rallies, which were definitely more grassroots, the latest rally appeared more organised and of interest to local media, probably because of the involvement of Tbilisi’s Mayor and plans to illuminate a prominent building on the city’s central Freedom Square in the colours of the Ukrainian flag.

Of course, it being Georgia, there had to be some kind of controversy and as usual, parliament seemed to provide that. It also made the international news headlines.

Deputies from majority and opposition parties fought at the plenary session of the Georgian parliament over plans to encourage supporters of Ukraine’s European integration.


Video footage taken inside the parliament shows government officials throwing documents in the air and brawling with one another following the opposition’s suggestions.


Deputy Giorgi Baramidze wanted to encourage supporters of Ukraine’s European integration with a special resolution.


Mr Baramidze also condemned violence inflicted on participants of peaceful rallies in Kyiv.


No one was seriously injured in the incident, but opposition representatives have demanded a public apology from the parliamentary majority before they will participate in any more plenary meetings.

For more updates, follow me on Twitter at onewmphoto.

One Caucasus Festival in Georgia Bridges Regional Divides

One Caucasus Festival in Georgia Bridges Regional Divides

This month, against the backdrop of the Caucasus Mountains, a unique four-day festival in Georgia celebrated its tenth anniversary. Held annually in August, the multi-disciplinary One Caucasus festival aims to rediscover a spirit of unity and cooperation that once flourished among the diverse nations of the region.

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End of an Era: Russian Border Guards Depart Yerevan’s Airport

End of an Era: Russian Border Guards Depart Yerevan’s Airport

Russian border guards left Yerevan’s Zvartnots Airport last week, concluding their nearly 32-year presence. The first point of contact for many citizens and tourists arriving by air in Armenia, their exact duties and numbers were never formally announced. The 1992 agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia instead only refers to the Border Directorate of the Federal Security Service (FSB) ensuring the protection of the border with Turkiye and Iran.

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