NGOs and Grassroots Movements: Partners or Rivals?

NGOs and Grassroots Movements: Partners or Rivals?

In an opinion piece looking at the media and peace building in 2010 and prospects for 2011, Sheldon Himelfarb, Associate Vice-President at the United States Institute of Peace (USIP), noticed some interesting developments, especially in the area of how new online tools can empower individuals. In a sense, this has been precisely what my own personal project has been about, although Himelfarb also raises the possibility of some concerns which might emerge as a result.

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Alaverdi Monastery, Kakheti, Georgia

Alaverdi Monastery, Kakheti, Georgia

My last post reminds me that I haven’t even done the tourist thing in Georgia. Even though I’ve been visiting the country since 1999, and while I’ve traveled around various parts of the country, it’s always been on work. From time to time, however, that will mean I’ll chance upon a cultural site. The Alaverdi Monastery, for example.

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Georgia Dispatches: The Aftermath

Georgia Dispatches: The Aftermath

With reports that much of Russia’s military presence in Georgia has been withdrawn, reflection on a serious conflict which threatened to ignite the entire South Caucasus is becoming more and more the order of the day. For whatever reasons, and whoever is to blame, the conflict between Russia and Georgia was the most serious for years. Despite Russian claims of thousands dead, hundreds died in South Ossetia and Georgia proper, and tens of thousands lost their homes in military action reminiscent of the ethnic cleansing which devastated the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s.

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An Arms Race in the South Caucasus?

An Arms Race in the South Caucasus?

Agence France Press (AFP) reports that the Azerbaijani military budget has increased by 70 per cent this year to $300 million, largely as a result of increased oil revenues. The largest of the three South Caucasus republics inauguarated a multi-billion oil pipeline from Baku to the Turkish port of Ceyhan last month. AFP says the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline will bring in as much as $160 billion into the impoverished country over the next 30 years.

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South Caucasus Parliamentary Assembly

South Caucasus Parliamentary Assembly

ArmenPress reports that Nino Burjanadze, Speaker of the Georgian parliament, Deputy Armenian National Assembly Speaker Tigran Torosian, and Siyavush Novruzov, a parliament member from Azerbaijan’s ruling Yeni Azerbaijan party, have signed a tripartite memorandum to establish a regional Parliamentary Assembly in the South Caucasus.

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