Archive: Yerevan’s Boarding School for the Blind, Visually Impaired, and Socially Vulnerable

Archive: Yerevan’s Boarding School for the Blind, Visually Impaired, and Socially Vulnerable

I’ve covered too many subject matters and issues in over two decades of being based in the South Caucasus to upload everything to my new website so a few photographs taken at Yerevan’s Boarding School for the Blind, Visually Impaired, and Socially Vulnerable taken in 2002 as a quick blog post. It was part of a much larger multi-year personal project to raise awareness of poverty and social vulnerability in Armenia.

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Kond: Stepping Back in Time

Kond: Stepping Back in Time

It’s one of my favorite places in Yerevan. It’s also one of the poorest. For both reasons, walking through Kond is like stepping back in time. Located in the very heart of the capital it’s also as if you’ve left Yerevan entirely. Indeed, when a National Geographical film crew filming a documentary on Christianity in Armenia said they wanted something ‘biblical,’ I could only take them to Kond.

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An Interview with Lise Grande

An Interview with Lise Grande

Lise Grande is the Residential Representative of the United Nations (UN) and Country Representative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Armenia. She was recruited as a political officer for the United Nations in 1994 and is due to complete her mission in Armenia at the end of May 2005.

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