Clash Over Armenian Constitution Hinders Peace Process

Clash Over Armenian Constitution Hinders Peace Process

Since the exodus last fall of over 100,000 ethnic Armenians from the once disputed but now dissolved territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, many have believed a resolution to the three-decade-long conflict to be within reach. Up until Azerbaijan’s operation to disarm the remnants of the breakaway region’s military last September, the region was internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan but was governed and populated by ethnic Armenians.

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Armenia Seeks Security Outside Moscow’s Orbit

Armenia Seeks Security Outside Moscow’s Orbit

Ten days ago, Transitions magazine published my latest on the European Union Mission in Armenia (EUMA). Though the monitoring mission continues to be appreciated and welcomed in the country, there still remain overly high expectations of what is a small presence along a 1,000 kilometre border with no power or ability to deter any armed incidents or skirmishes.

Indeed, on the day of publication, four Armenian and three Azerbaijani soldiers were killed near the village of Tegh.

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