Text and photographs by Onnik James Krikorian

The ethnic Armenian-run “Azeri Tea House” in Tbilisi, Georgia © Onnik James Krikorian

Like Sergei Paradjanov, whose last film before his death in 1990 was based on an Azeri love story and filmed in Azerbaijan despite the rising tensions, Sayat Nova was very much a cultural figure for the entire Caucasus and not restrained by national ideology or borders. The legendary bard wrote most of his songs in Azerbaijani, then the lingua franca of the region. Indeed, a statue of Paradjanov can also be found nearby, as can a monument to Sayat Nova, although it’s a mainly ethnic Azeri area of Tbilisi, and soon the location of a new Azerbaijani Embassy overlooking Heydar Aliyev Park.

A street in the mainly ethnic-Azeri town of Marneuli named after Sayat Nova, an ethnic Armenian troubador © Onnik James Krikorian


The perpetual dispute over food is nowhere to be found in the ethnic Armenian-Azeri co-inhabited village of Tsopi, with ethnic Armenian and Azeri children celebrating the birthday of a 6-year old Azeri child at a table full of regional dishes such as dolma. As one writer, Ağarəhim, wrote, “Dolma yeyənindi, Sarı Gəlin oxuyanındı (Dolma belongs to those who eat it, Sarı Gelin belongs to those who sing it).” That could never ring truer than it does in villages such as Tsopi © Onnik James Krikorian

Ethnic Azeris prepare for a wedding in the co-inhabited village of Tsopi. Ethnic Armenian neighbours were also invited to attend. Photo © Onnik James Krikorian 


Друзья как Сестры: взгляд из Москвы

Друзья как Сестры: взгляд из Москвы

“Если вы получили мой SMS, это может означать одно из двух: либо мир между нашими странами на самом деле возможнен, либо теперь я в списке КГБ.”

Friends like Sisters: A View from Moscow

Friends like Sisters: A View from Moscow

“If you received my SMS, it can mean one of two things. Either peace between our countries is really possible, or I’m now on the KGB’s list.”

NGOs and Grassroots Movements: Partners or Rivals?

NGOs and Grassroots Movements: Partners or Rivals?

In an opinion piece looking at the media and peace building in 2010 and prospects for 2011, Sheldon Himelfarb, Associate Vice-President at the United States Institute of Peace (USIP), noticed some interesting developments, especially in the area of how new online tools can empower individuals. In a sense, this has been precisely what my own personal project has been about, although Himelfarb also raises the possibility of some concerns which might emerge as a result.