Results for "armenia-turkey relations"
Turkey’s South Caucasus Agenda

Turkey’s South Caucasus Agenda

Strategically situated as a major conduit for vital energy resources, the South Caucasus has long been an area for competing regional and geopolitical interests. But while competition between Russia and the United States has preoccupied many analysts since 1991 when the three countries making up the region declared their independence from the former Soviet Union, some consider that Turkey could also play an important role in the Caucasus. Despite its well-known problems with Armenia, this is particularly true since tensions between Russia and Georgia culminated in the August 2008 war.

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Armenia-Azerbaijan, possible progress registered at Brussels meeting

Armenia-Azerbaijan, possible progress registered at Brussels meeting

On Sunday, 14 May, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev met in Brussels for renewed talks hosted by European Council President Charles Michel. It was the fifth such meeting organised by Michel and it marked a resumption of the Brussels Process. Last year, the talks to normalise relations between the two countries appeared to stall in early December, when Armenia advocated for the inclusion of French President Emmanuel Macron. Azerbaijan rejected the request and the talks did not take place.

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Armenian Foreign Minister Visits Turkiye After Earthquake, Rekindles Hopes for Normalisation

Armenian Foreign Minister Visits Turkiye After Earthquake, Rekindles Hopes for Normalisation

The Caspian Post last week published my first piece on what can be hoped are real and genuine efforts to accelerate the latest efforts to normalise relations between Yerevan and Ankara following the recent and devastating earthquake in Turkey. During the last attempt to establish diplomatic relations in the late 2000s I covered that process extensively, including working with the BBC, Al Jazeera English, and The Wall Street Journal on various stories. Looks like I’ll now be doing the same throughout 2023.

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Tensions in Karabakh and Talks in Brussels

Tensions in Karabakh and Talks in Brussels

On 3 August, 2022, following the death of an Azerbaijani conscript in clashes with local Armenian forces, Baku launched military operations in Karabakh on a scale not seen since the November 2020 ceasefire statement. Two Armenian soldiers were killed and 19 wounded in multiple Azerbaijani mortar and drone attacks while key strategic heights overlooking Karabakh were also captured. Days earlier, an Armenian soldier had been injured in the escalation that led up to the clashes.

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Tangible Results Expected After EU-facilitated Armenia-Azerbaijan Talks in Brussels

Tangible Results Expected After EU-facilitated Armenia-Azerbaijan Talks in Brussels

Yesterday, European Council President Charles Michel facilitated talks between the Armenian Prime Minister, Nikol Pashinyan, and the Azerbaijani President, Ilham Aliyev, in Brussels. It was the third such meeting held in this format. Its structure was the same too, with Michel meeting with each leader separately before all three convened for another trilateral meeting.

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Brussels: Last Chance for an Armenia-Azerbaijan Peace?

Brussels: Last Chance for an Armenia-Azerbaijan Peace?

As expected, last Wednesday’s meeting between Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, and European Council President Charles Michel in Brussels was a serious endeavour. As early as 22 March, Armenian media had reported such a meeting was planned, and it might even have been arranged earlier. Publicly at least, and unlike previous meetings, senior Armenian and Azerbaijani officials also openly met in Brussels on 30 March to prepare.

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Ukraine and the South Caucasus

Ukraine and the South Caucasus

After months amassing troops on the border with Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave the order to further into Ukrainian territory late last month. For the first time in two decades, full-scale war returned to the European continent, sending out shockwaves globally. Outrage was widespread and in a rare show of unity, even if unwilling or unable to intervene directly, the vast majority of UN member states condemned the Russian military action. 

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Karabakh in Focus at Yerevan Euronest Meeting

Karabakh in Focus at Yerevan Euronest Meeting

Having declined to attend a meeting of Euronest in Yerevan in 2015, the arrival of two Azerbaijani MPs, Tahir Mirkishili and Soltan Mammadov, in Armenia was the first in a decade. According to one regional analyst, their participation was an achievement. Some might well consider if this isn’t an important precedent for the resumption of other exchanges between the two countries following the 2020 Karabakh War. 

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Back on Track: Armenia-Azerbaijan Track II Diplomacy in Tbilisi, Georgia

Back on Track: Armenia-Azerbaijan Track II Diplomacy in Tbilisi, Georgia

Though there have been many online Zoom discussions between Armenian and Azerbaijan activists, analysts and academics during and especially since the 2020 Karabakh War, there have been precious few actual in-person meetings. In part, this has been because of pandemic travel restrictions but not only. For example, one meeting of Armenian and Azerbaijani analysts due to be held late last year was postponed because of the November border skirmishes and has still yet to be held. If it will at all, of course.

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Yerevan and Baku at a crossroads

Yerevan and Baku at a crossroads

Though there had been hopes that some kind of agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan could be initialled or signed by November this year, the situation looks increasingly uncertain as Russia once again enters the fray.

Pashinyan Press Conference Highlights Progress and Pitfalls in Armenia-Azerbaijan Peace Talks

Pashinyan Press Conference Highlights Progress and Pitfalls in Armenia-Azerbaijan Peace Talks

Pressure on Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan to deliver a peace agreement with Azerbaijan before the 2026 parliamentary elections is mounting, driven by questions surrounding the longevity of Armenian economic growth.

Pashinyan’s efforts to advance negotiations have seen both progress and setbacks. Unresolved issues, particularly those related to regional connectivity and the influence of external actors such as Iran, highlight the complexity of achieving a lasting resolution.

One Caucasus Festival in Georgia Bridges Regional Divides

One Caucasus Festival in Georgia Bridges Regional Divides

This month, against the backdrop of the Caucasus Mountains, a unique four-day festival in Georgia celebrated its tenth anniversary. Held annually in August, the multi-disciplinary One Caucasus festival aims to rediscover a spirit of unity and cooperation that once flourished among the diverse nations of the region.