Brussels: Last Chance for an Armenia-Azerbaijan Peace?

Brussels: Last Chance for an Armenia-Azerbaijan Peace?

As expected, last Wednesday’s meeting between Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, and European Council President Charles Michel in Brussels was a serious endeavour. As early as 22 March, Armenian media had reported such a meeting was planned, and it might even have been arranged earlier. Publicly at least, and unlike previous meetings, senior Armenian and Azerbaijani officials also openly met in Brussels on 30 March to prepare.

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Rethinking Peacebuilding in the South Caucasus in Relation to the War in Ukraine

Rethinking Peacebuilding in the South Caucasus in Relation to the War in Ukraine

Last week, Caucasus Edition, the publication of the Imagine Center for Conflict Transformation, held another Zoom webinar, this time entitled “Rethinking Peacebuilding in the South Caucasus in Relation to the War in Ukraine.” Recently, there have been many commenting on what the Russian invasion might have on this region, though framing it as a need to reconsider peacebuilding strategies in the South Caucasus is an especially relevant one.

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Ukraine and the South Caucasus

Ukraine and the South Caucasus

After months amassing troops on the border with Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave the order to further into Ukrainian territory late last month. For the first time in two decades, full-scale war returned to the European continent, sending out shockwaves globally. Outrage was widespread and in a rare show of unity, even if unwilling or unable to intervene directly, the vast majority of UN member states condemned the Russian military action. 

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Armenia-Azerbaijan: Confidence Building Measures

Armenia-Azerbaijan: Confidence Building Measures

In a Commonspace piece published last month, Johnny Melikian and Ramazan Samadov argue that the unblocking of regional economic and transport links represent an unprecedented opportunity for achieving peace and stability in the South Caucasus. Though the authors note that the wounds from the war will take time to heal, it is this connectivity that could prove to be the most significant development emerging from the 2020 ceasefire agreement.

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Azerbaijani MPs Expected in Yerevan

Azerbaijani MPs Expected in Yerevan

To very little publicity, let alone fanfare, a delegation of Azerbaijani MPs is expected to arrive in Yerevan, Armenia, next week to attend a meeting of the Bureau and Committees of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly. Euronest is an inter-parliamentary forum comprising members of the European Parliament and the parliaments of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine.

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Perspectives from Armenia on the Aliyev-Pashinyan Teleconference

Perspectives from Armenia on the Aliyev-Pashinyan Teleconference

In a podcast with ANN/Groong, Dr. Benyamin Poghosyan, the founder of the Center for Political and Economic Strategic Studies, offered his opinion from Yerevan on the recent teleconference between the Azerbaijani President, Ilham Aliyev, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, French President Emmanuel Macron, and European Council President Charles Michel held on 4 February 2022.

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Back on Track: Armenia-Azerbaijan Track II Diplomacy in Tbilisi, Georgia

Back on Track: Armenia-Azerbaijan Track II Diplomacy in Tbilisi, Georgia

Though there have been many online Zoom discussions between Armenian and Azerbaijan activists, analysts and academics during and especially since the 2020 Karabakh War, there have been precious few actual in-person meetings. In part, this has been because of pandemic travel restrictions but not only. For example, one meeting of Armenian and Azerbaijani analysts due to be held late last year was postponed because of the November border skirmishes and has still yet to be held. If it will at all, of course.

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Armenia-Turkey flights resume

Armenia-Turkey flights resume

While not necessarily a historic moment, the resumption of direct flights between Yerevan and Turkey are a welcome development, especially following the 2020 Karabakh war. Though not new for both countries, this reconnection is largely been seen as part of post-war attempts to unblock regional economic and transport links as part of the 2020 November ceasefire agreement and a resulting, renewed attempt to normalise Armenia-Turkey relations.

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Unblocking the South Caucasus

Unblocking the South Caucasus

While the 9-point ceasefire agreement that ended fighting in the 2020 Karabakh War omits any direct reference to a comprehensive settlement of the conflict, there are nonetheless some elements that allude to the need for one. The seventh point in the agreement, for example, refers to the right of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) to return not only to the seven previously occupied regions of Azerbaijan, but also to the former Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast (NKAO).

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Is this how Karabakh was meant to end?

Is this how Karabakh was meant to end?

By a decree of its de-facto leader, Samvel Sharamanyan, the self-declared and internationally unrecognised Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) was dissolved and will cease to exist by the end of 2023. NKR was declared by the Karabakh Armenians in 1991 to replace the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast, which was established by the Soviets in 1923. Thus, the dissolution of NKR ends a hundred years during which Nagorno-Karabakh had its own political status and identity.

Nagorno Karabakh’s Demise: A Long-Predicted End to a Bitter Dispute

Nagorno Karabakh’s Demise: A Long-Predicted End to a Bitter Dispute

Some might argue that the writing was on the wall even in 1998 when Armenia’s first president, Levon Ter-Petrosyan, was forced to resign by then Prime Minister Robert Kocharyan, former Defence Minister Vazgen Sargsyan, and Interior Minister Serzh Sargsyan, with the full support of then de facto Karabakh leader Arkhady Ghukasyan. Ter-Petrosyan warned what would happen next if proposals from the now defunct OSCE Minsk Group were not accepted, but few listened.

Karabakh: following ceasefire, Armenia and Azerbaijan prepare for talks

Karabakh: following ceasefire, Armenia and Azerbaijan prepare for talks

Following the 20 September ceasefire agreement between Baku and the de facto authorities of the former Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous Oblast (NKAO), many eyes are now on Spain and the European Political Community (EPC) summit scheduled in Granada on 5 October. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev are expected to meet for talks that will also involve France, Germany, and the European Council.