Мысли против стереотипов миротворческой риторики в азербайджано-армянских встречах

Мысли против стереотипов миротворческой риторики в азербайджано-армянских встречах

Моя статья продиктована многолетним опытом участия в миротворческих встречах. В 2000 году я в составе азербайджанской группы встретился в Упсале с армянскими коллегами в семинаре, организованным факультетом Университета Упсалы по мирному разрешению конфликтов. В нем, помнится, тон обсуждений был таков: армянская сторона стремилась доказать, что нам надо исходить из существующей ситуации и согласиться с отделением Нагорного Карабаха. Правда, все это было представлено в дружелюбном тоне и оснащено миротворческими и гуманистическими призывами об отвратительности войны и истребления людей. Только один человек из Нагорного Карабаха, живущего в Армении внес в этот общий тон некоторые милитаристские нюансы, намекая, что армия Нагорного Карабаха ой как сильна, так сильна что даже способна дойти до Анкары.

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Qafqazda etnik konfliktlərin “semiotik anomaliyalar” prinsipində çözümü (Dağlıq Qarabağ timsalında)

Qafqazda etnik konfliktlərin “semiotik anomaliyalar” prinsipində çözümü (Dağlıq Qarabağ timsalında)

Dağlıq Qarabağ konfliktinin indiki mərhələsində konfliktin çözümü adların, simvolların yığılıb törətdiyi çıxmaza, küncə düşüb. Standart yollarla oradan heç cürə çıxmaq olmur: ermənilər müstəqil respublika simvolunu güzəşt edə bilmirlər, azərbaycanlılar isə öz sərhədlərini dəyişib Azərbaycanın məkanca kiçilməsinə razı ola bilmirlər. Oxşar durum Çeçenistan və Rusiya, Abxaz və Gürcüstan konfliktlərində də var. Biz bu çıxmazdan qurtulmaq üçün yeni avtonomiya modelini təklif edirik (“nomiya” yunanca qanundur, “avtonomiya” isə “öz qanunları ilə özünü idarə edən” deməkdir).

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Opinion Divided on Armenian Withdrawal from Eurovision

Opinion Divided on Armenian Withdrawal from Eurovision

Eurovision, the international music competition for members of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), has been no stranger to controversy ever since it was launched in Europe in 1956, but the inclusion in recent years of post-Soviet countries has taken international rivalry over what is otherwise considered by many to be a somewhat kitsch event, to new heights. The three countries making up the South Caucasus are no exception and especially since Armenia participated for the first time in 2006. Georgia followed in 2007, as did Azerbaijan the following year.

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NGOs and Grassroots Movements: Partners or Rivals?

NGOs and Grassroots Movements: Partners or Rivals?

In an opinion piece looking at the media and peace building in 2010 and prospects for 2011, Sheldon Himelfarb, Associate Vice-President at the United States Institute of Peace (USIP), noticed some interesting developments, especially in the area of how new online tools can empower individuals. In a sense, this has been precisely what my own personal project has been about, although Himelfarb also raises the possibility of some concerns which might emerge as a result.

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Developing A Holistic Approach To Armenia-Azerbaijan Peacebuilding Initiatives

Developing A Holistic Approach To Armenia-Azerbaijan Peacebuilding Initiatives

A comment made earlier today on a previous post regarding the need to diversify the dissemination of news and information online in the area of peace building in order to reach the largest number of people, especially when Internet penetration remains quite low, reminded me of another need which I had also briefly alluded to in a different post. Arif Khalil pointed out the potential for physical activities and events to break down stereotypes and engage a much larger and wider society in the ‘real world,’ and in particular mentioned using theater to spread a message of peace and coexistence.

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Culture That Unites Rather Than Divides

Culture That Unites Rather Than Divides

Text and photographs by Onnik James Krikorian TBILISI, Georgia — An Azeri teahouse, and naturally Azerbaijani can be heard spoken inside. A dozen men, identical in appearance, sit at tables, chain smoking and drinking cups of çay (tea). “Salam,” we say, before...

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The Media in Armenia and Azerbaijan: Effective or Affective?

The Media in Armenia and Azerbaijan: Effective or Affective?

Many academics argue that the influence of the media is especially strong in environments where citizens depend on a limited number of news sources. In contrast, when citizens have alternative sources of information they are less subject to the potential effects of media. Following this argument, how affective is the media in Armenia and Azerbaijan in establishing an image of the “other” in an environment where over 90 percent of the populations choose television as their primary source of information on current events with over 40 percent choosing family, friends, neighbors and colleagues as their second main source?

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Forthcoming municipal elections in Armenia may pose a first test for a peace agreement with Azerbaijan

Forthcoming municipal elections in Armenia may pose a first test for a peace agreement with Azerbaijan

Delays in signing an Armenia-Azerbaijan peace agreement open the prospects that the process may be derailed as a result of domestic politics. Next month, Yerevan will go to the polls to indirectly elect a new mayor. The parliamentary opposition is boycotting the vote, and a large number of voters remain apathetic or undecided, but the vote can still be seen as demonstrative enough ahead of the 2026 national parliamentary elections.

Power Play in Yerevan: Former Mayor Challenges Pashinyan’s Candidate

Power Play in Yerevan: Former Mayor Challenges Pashinyan’s Candidate

Next month, on 17 September, Yerevan will cast its vote in municipal elections that could prove decisive in determining the country’s future. Despite a significant decline in popularity since Armenia’s defeat in the 2020 war with Azerbaijan, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s favoured candidate, Deputy Mayor Tigran Avinyan, is nonetheless still considered the favourite to win.