Tensions in Karabakh and Talks in Brussels

Tensions in Karabakh and Talks in Brussels

On 3 August, 2022, following the death of an Azerbaijani conscript in clashes with local Armenian forces, Baku launched military operations in Karabakh on a scale not seen since the November 2020 ceasefire statement. Two Armenian soldiers were killed and 19 wounded in multiple Azerbaijani mortar and drone attacks while key strategic heights overlooking Karabakh were also captured. Days earlier, an Armenian soldier had been injured in the escalation that led up to the clashes.

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Karabakh Armenians and Azerbaijan Talk Water

Karabakh Armenians and Azerbaijan Talk Water

On 22 August, representatives of the Azerbaijan Reclamation and Water Management OJSC visited the Sarsang Reservoir located in the Aghdara/Mardakert region of that part of the former Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous Oblast (NKAO) now under the control of Russian peacekeepers. Constructed in 1976, the Sarsang Reservoir has a capacity of 560 million cubic meters and was used to irrigate 96,000 hectares of arable land in Barda, Terter, Agdam, Agjabedi, Yevlakh and Goranboy.

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Gerard Libaridian’s Latest on Armenia, Azerbaijan, and the Karabakh Conflict

Gerard Libaridian’s Latest on Armenia, Azerbaijan, and the Karabakh Conflict

Arguably one of the most independent and unique voices on the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan for decades, Gerard Jirair Libaridian has been particularly on point since the end of the 2020 Karabakh war. Not only was he among the few of us that foresaw a new conflict between the two breaking out in the days and weeks preceding hostilities, but Libaridian was particularly concerned about such an eventuality, though it has to be said that these fears had been growing with each passing year since 2011.

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Karabakh in Focus at Yerevan Euronest Meeting

Karabakh in Focus at Yerevan Euronest Meeting

Having declined to attend a meeting of Euronest in Yerevan in 2015, the arrival of two Azerbaijani MPs, Tahir Mirkishili and Soltan Mammadov, in Armenia was the first in a decade. According to one regional analyst, their participation was an achievement. Some might well consider if this isn’t an important precedent for the resumption of other exchanges between the two countries following the 2020 Karabakh War. 

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Sargsyan Talks Karabakh

Sargsyan Talks Karabakh

Serzh Sargsyan, the Gray Cardinal of Armenian politics as he was often referred to back in the day, has spoken. It is unlikely that many Armenians will be hanging on his every word given that it’s only four years ago that street protests forced him out of office. The hand-picked successor to the far more ruthless and cynical Robert Kocharian, Sargsyan came to power in 2008 in contested presidential elections that left 10 people dead in post-election violence.

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The Karabakh Podcast

The Karabakh Podcast

   This interview with Rusif Huseynov, Co-founder and Director of the Topchubashov Centre in Baku, Azerbaijan, was held on 10 February 2023. In it, Huseynov shares his opinion and commentary on the view from Baku on apparently dashed hopes for a peace...

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Alternative and Counter-Narratives in the Karabakh Conflict

Alternative and Counter-Narratives in the Karabakh Conflict

No sooner than I’m back from Yerevan, where I presented my work on alternative and counter narratives in the context of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict and Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) in general, than yet another exchange of fire has left innocent civilians dead on the Line of Contact (LoC) separating Karabakh forces, which include a significant number of conscripts from Armenia, and the Azerbaijani military.

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Ahead of November, Armenia and Azerbaijan juggle for their geopolitical position

Ahead of November, Armenia and Azerbaijan juggle for their geopolitical position

In the lead-up to this year’s NATO Summit in Washington D.C., it was uncertain whether Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan and Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov would meet. However, a last-minute announcement confirmed that they would, albeit not in a bilateral format, but with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Expectations were low, given disagreements over Azerbaijani demands for Armenia to change its constitution and the United States now apparently pushing its own vision for unblocking trade and communication in the region.

Transparency needs to replace speculation and intrigue in the current phase of Armenia-Azerbaijan talks

Transparency needs to replace speculation and intrigue in the current phase of Armenia-Azerbaijan talks

At the beginning of the month, the Armenian and Azerbaijani border demarcation commissions exchanged documents detailing the regulation of future activities. But this was not the unified document that had been expected. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan had earlier that day refused to answer questions from the media as to whether the deadline set for such a document had been met or not. Even Radio Free Europe were unsure. While its Yerevan Bureau reported that the two sides hadn’t in fact managed to agree on the draft regulations, its Prague Headquarters at least reported progress.

Baku insists on Constitutional change for Armenia peace accord

Baku insists on Constitutional change for Armenia peace accord

Early last month, Azerbaijan’s President, Ilham Aliyev, announced that an agreement to normalize relations with Armenia is unlikely to be signed unless it changes its constitution. Specifically, this would mean removing a controversial preamble that references the 1990 Declaration of Independence, which in turn is based on the 1989 Joint Statement on the “Reunification of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic and the Mountainous Region of Karabakh.”