The Armenia-Azerbaijan Karabakh Escalation Viewed from Georgia

The Armenia-Azerbaijan Karabakh Escalation Viewed from Georgia

Following the recent escalation on the Line of Contact (LoC) separating Armenian and Azerbaijani forces in and around the disputed territory of Nagorno Karabakh, BBC Azeri recently published my piece on the view from Georgia. In particular, it focuses on opinions expressed at a meeting of the Thinking Citizens platform, an Azerbaijani and Georgian-Azeri initiative.

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Anomalous Autonomy As A Solution To The Mountainous Karabakh Conflict

Anomalous Autonomy As A Solution To The Mountainous Karabakh Conflict

In the present phase of the conflict over Mountainous Karabakh, the deadlock in the peace process is due to symbolism. There is no solution through standard methods: the Armenians are not ready to give away the symbol of an independent republic, while the Azeris refuse the alteration of their borders. Similar situations exist in the conflicts between Chechnya and Russia, and between Abkhazia and Georgia. In order to resolve this deadlock, we are proposing a new autonomy model (‘nomy’ is law in Greek, ‘autonomy’ means ‘ruling oneself according to one’s own laws’).

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Clearing Mines and Saving Lives in Karabakh

Clearing Mines and Saving Lives in Karabakh

AMARAS, Nagorno Karabakh — In an almost perfectly idyllic setting, with a monastery dating back to the 4th century and a nearby mulberry orchard, there’s hardly a soul around. Even the church in the complex is empty, save for a small boy waiting to sell candles to anyone who does visit. The roads are devoid of traffic and therefore silent, while the only sound that breaks up the tranquil atmosphere is that of bird song.

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Kocharian and Aliyev Agreed on Karabakh Referendum

Kocharian and Aliyev Agreed on Karabakh Referendum

After the new U.S. co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, Matthew Bryza, revealed details of the proposed framework peace deal to resolve the Karabakh conflict last week, much to the annoyance of the Armenian President, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has now released more details. Actually, we already knew what was being discussed, but this is the first time that American and Armenian officials have confirmed them openly, and in so much detail.

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New Developments in Karabakh Peace Process

New Developments in Karabakh Peace Process

RFE/RL reports that the ongoing process to find a peaceful settlement to the Nagorno Karabakh conflict continues. In particular, it says that this month’s meeting between the the U.S. President and Ilham Aliyev could represent new moves by Washington to put pressure on the Azerbaijani leader to accept a concessionary deal in the works since late 2004.

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Mutual Compromise Needed for Karabakh Peace

Mutual Compromise Needed for Karabakh Peace

RFE/RL’s Armenia Service reports that the new European Envoy on the South Caucasus has again underscored the importance the EU places on resolving the long-standing conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the mainly-Armenian populated territory of Nagorno Karabakh. Speaking to reporters after meeting the Armenian Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian, Peter Semneby again stated that there is a “window of opportunity” still open this year.

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30 Years Since the Bishkek Protocol – Hopes for Armenia-Azerbaijan Peace?

30 Years Since the Bishkek Protocol – Hopes for Armenia-Azerbaijan Peace?

This month marks the 30th Anniversary of the 1994 ceasefire agreement that put the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the then disputed territory of Nagorno Karabakh on hold. The 5 May declaration, known as the Bishkek Protocol, instructed the sides to introduce a ceasefire on 9 May though slight delays followed. A formal cessation was signed by the Armenian, Azerbaijan, and Karabakh defence ministers days later, coming into effect just after midnight on 12 May 1994.

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Roadblock to peace: the geopolitical quagmire of the “Zangezur Corridor”

Roadblock to peace: the geopolitical quagmire of the “Zangezur Corridor”

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the 1994 ceasefire agreement that put fighting between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces over the Soviet-era mainly ethnic Armenian Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous Oblast (NKAO) on hold – or at least until it escalated into war in 2016 and more devastatingly in 2020. Despite the involvement of international mediators, peace remained elusive despite occasional claims to the contrary. The sides were said to have gotten close, but never enough to prevent tens of thousands dying in over three decades of conflict.

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Armenia’s Constitutional Conundrum

Armenia’s Constitutional Conundrum

Despite progress between Armenia and Azerbaijan over border delimitation and demarcation, another issue threatens to hinder the signing of a long-awaited agreement to normalise relations. Baku now demands that Yerevan first removes from its constitution a controversial preamble referencing the 1990 Declaration of Independence.