Developing Effective Frameworks for Countering Ethno-Nationalist Narratives in the South Caucasus

Developing Effective Frameworks for Countering Ethno-Nationalist Narratives in the South Caucasus

Nationalist and ultra-nationalist narratives increasingly resemble those disseminated by violent extremist groups. Not only can themes be similar, but so too are the ways in which they are amplified and disseminated online via different mediums and platforms. They also target specific demographic groups, but there are few if any attempts to address or effectively counter them. This is especially true in the South Caucasus.

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Articles, analysis, photographs, video, and multimedia reports from the South Caucasus.

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Gaming and Extremism – Why Pop Culture needs to be embraced by the P/CVE and conflict resolution community

Gaming and Extremism – Why Pop Culture needs to be embraced by the P/CVE and conflict resolution community

As Trump and others blame computer games for the gun violence in society, while ignoring their own contribution to the hatred and xenophobia in play, it’s worth remembering that this narrative has been used by successive governments and conservative groups against gamers for decades and has been persistently debunked.

Moreover, games can arguably be a useful tool in preventing and countering violent extremism and other sensitive issues. Discussing mental health issues, for example, was encouraged by the recent independent AAA game, Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, which consulted mental health professionals at all stages of its development.

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Tbilisi: A Regional Hub for Alternative Music in the South Caucasus?

Tbilisi: A Regional Hub for Alternative Music in the South Caucasus?

Having moved from the UK to Armenia in 1998 to work for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) it was only natural that I started to take an interest in an alternative music scene that, while not really existing, was emerging at the time. From 2001 onwards the situation started to change, and bands such as Gyumri’s The Bambir really grabbed my attention. By the mid-2000s other bands started to emerge and those that had been dormant  during the electricity shortages of the 1990s began to re-surface.

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EUMM/IWPR Cross Boundary Workshop for Journalists

EUMM/IWPR Cross Boundary Workshop for Journalists

From the 21st to 25th November, the European Union Monitoring Mission (EUMM) and the South Caucasus office of the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR) convened a workshop and study visit for journalists from Georgia and its breakaway regions of Abkhazia and Georgia. The workshop was a follow up to one previously held a year ago in Istanbul, Turkey, and held with the intention of also introducing a new group of participants to European Union (EU) structures in Brussels.

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Jazz Without Borders

Jazz Without Borders

Cross-border projects in a conflict-riven region come in many forms, but perhaps the most overlooked has arguably been those in the area of culture. There have been some notable exceptions such as the  CIS Youth Symphony Orchestra that performed in Yerevan and Baku as well as elsewhere, but otherwise most cultural events featuring both Armenian and Azerbaijani musicians perform in neighbouring Georgia.

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New Route Opens to Supply Aid to Karabakh Amid Lachin Impasse

New Route Opens to Supply Aid to Karabakh Amid Lachin Impasse

On 12 September, after nearly months of not receiving any, humanitarian assistance finally arrived in Karabakh, albeit not without controversy. Having crossed the border between Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation three days earlier, it was meant to travel from Samur to Askeran via Baku, Barda, and Aghdam. However, it remained delayed for days as some wondered whether it would ever arrive at all.

De Facto Leader of Karabakh Armenians Steps Down

De Facto Leader of Karabakh Armenians Steps Down

Arayik Harutyunyan, the de facto leader of what remains of the former Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous Oblast (NKAO), has resigned. Though many were skeptical, given similar pronouncements in recent months, Harutyunyan, who held the otherwise unrecognized position of ‘president’ of the mainly ethnic-Armenian breakaway region, was true to his word this time.